Thursday, May 28, 2015

A deck with a plan.....

Hi y'all!  Summer is almost here and we are in the middle of a makeover on our back porch/deck.  We had big plans back in the fall to work on it but....well life happened and the plans didn't.   
I want to share some before pictures and our plan.  The picture below shows the view from our back door.  The deck railing when our home was purchased was lattice.  Several years ago we removed the lattice and put up narrow fence pickets instead (that is what you see here).  We are going to remove all of that and build a proper railing around the whole deck.  The deck itself will be getting a good cleaning and a fresh coat(s) of gray stain that matches the window trim on our home.  The porch ceiling, posts and  new railings will be painted white.    

We have 2 sets of stairs off of our deck, a wide set to the backyard and a narrow set that leads to our side yard.  The narrow steps are where that small gate is.  We plan to remove the narrow set of steps which will give us more usable seating space on that end of the deck.  Right now the table is in the center of the deck.   The plan is to create a lounging area on one end and an entertaining/dining area on the other end.  (I just recently scored a patio set at a yard sale!  WOO HOO!!)  I like the table that we have and we got a great bargain on it from Target a couple summers back, however I have a plan for it elsewhere in our backyard.  So, I would like to build a table that will seat more people too.

These two chairs actually came with the table set as well.  They bounce. :-)  I'm using this space as a conversation area at the moment.  The big hole in the railing behind the chair on the left is an opening for a slide.  The slide and the opening will be going away when we build the new railings. 

Here you can see our backdoor.  I am hoping my husband will install a light fixture just to the right of it.  Some patio string lights are a must as well.  This will be so great at night because right now, the only lighting we have lights up the backyard and not the deck.  

To the right here, you can see the wide set of steps that leads to the back yard.  When the sun comes up in the morning, it shines very bright in that opening.  Adding some outdoor curtains should help that.  Curtains will soften up the space too.  (Plus, I just need want some flow-y outdoor curtains) 

Here is the view of our deck from our backyard.  

The structure is in very good shape.  We hope that our improvements will extend the life of it further as well as make it as function for our family as possible.  The table always seems to get piled with stuff and the porch is just a walkway to the yard most days.  When we are finished we want the space to be an extension of our home.

**Below is a patio love seat and two chairs which I scored from a yard sale down the street for $40!!  I am going to spray paint the frames and replace the cushions and it will be as good as new!**

Feel free to follow along with my Back Porch inspiration board on Pinterest.

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